BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//EuroSEAS 2022//EN X-WR-CALNAME:EuroSEAS 2022 BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/Paris X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Paris BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0200 DTSTART:19700329T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=-1SU END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 DTSTART:19701025T030000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=-1SU END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241022T210200 UID:euroseas-2022-between-the-seen-and-the-unseen-hiv-in-indonesia-1 SUMMARY:Between the seen and the unseen: HIV in Indonesia (1) LOCATION:Room 0.18 DESCRIPTION:In Indonesian political and social life, HIV is both seen and u nseen in different ways. Since the first cases were discovered in Indonesia in the 1980s, HIV has come to occupy a prominent role in public life; as a reflection of diminished morality of the nation, as a symbol of the triump h of modern medical science through the implementation of widespread anti-r etroviral therapy, and the reflection of mobilisations of human rights prem ised on access to healthcare. Yet this has regrettably had only a limited e ffect on expanding forms of knowledge and care for those who live with HIV or care for them. Rather, cultural understandings of HIV and AIDS in Indone sia seem to rest on something of a paradox: an increase in knowledge about HIV, accompanied by increased forms of visibility in the mass media and on social media, has not necessarily resulted in more understanding about the epidemic or the virus. Similarly, global technologies for treating HIV in t he form of testing, treatment and viral load testing have had only limited efficacy, as demonstrated by high numbers of people “lost to follow up” (La zuardi 2019). The HIV epidemic in Indonesia is in these and other ways both seen and unseen. Correspondingly, the impact of this paradox is acutely fe lt both by people living with HIV and those people and communities that are most affected by the virus. This panel aims to investigate the breadth of meanings given to HIV in Indonesia, in order to forge new conceptual vocabu laries which can pursue new visions of social justice, empathy and care. \n \nRecent engagement in the United States has shown how a preoccupation with the visibility of HIV as a white, urban and gay male phenomenon obscures t he ongoing impact of the pandemic on gender and sexual minorities (includin g trans women), people of colour, black and indigenous people in the contex t of historical legacies of colonial exploitation (Cheng, Juhasz, and Shaha ni 2020). The understanding of an “undetectable” viral load, now common as a measure in the global end of AIDS, relies on visibility at the microscopi c level, eschewing community forms of care in favour of pharmaceutical solu tions (Persson et al. 2016). Yet although shaped by globalised knowledge, u nderstandings and interpretations of HIV—and their relationship to race, ge nder, sexuality and class—unfold differently in a post-authoritarian contex t where a dominant “regime of visuality,” is one in which ̶ 0;the compulsion to see and be seen is continually brought to crisis by the terror of seeing and being seen” (Steedly 2013, 262). In Indonesia, the HIV epidemic has become visible over the past three or so decades coinc iding with a postauthoritarian context where “murkiness is itself a structu ral feature of politics” (Bubandt 2008, 812). The visibility of HIV in Indo nesia thus emerges out of distinctive histories, including cultures of gend er and sexual visibility and understanding of health and illness (Hegarty 2 018; Thajib 2018; Samuels 2016). The papers on this panel will demonstrate how the experience of HIV specific to Indonesia in its socio-historical con text, but also offers critical theoretical insights for the expansion of HI V care globally. We aspire for the panel to be both interdisciplinary and d iverse, encompassing a wide range of researchers working in different geogr aphical areas in Indonesia, disciplinary training, and institutional affili ation. To this end, we invite papers which address HIV in Indonesia, across fields of medical anthropology, history, cultural studies, and public heal th. URL: DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Paris:20220630T110000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Paris:20220630T123000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241022T210200 UID:euroseas-2022-between-the-seen-and-the-unseen-hiv-in-indonesia-2 SUMMARY:Between the seen and the unseen: HIV in Indonesia (2) LOCATION:Room 0.18 DESCRIPTION:In Indonesian political and social life, HIV is both seen and u nseen in different ways. Since the first cases were discovered in Indonesia in the 1980s, HIV has come to occupy a prominent role in public life; as a reflection of diminished morality of the nation, as a symbol of the triump h of modern medical science through the implementation of widespread anti-r etroviral therapy, and the reflection of mobilisations of human rights prem ised on access to healthcare. Yet this has regrettably had only a limited e ffect on expanding forms of knowledge and care for those who live with HIV or care for them. Rather, cultural understandings of HIV and AIDS in Indone sia seem to rest on something of a paradox: an increase in knowledge about HIV, accompanied by increased forms of visibility in the mass media and on social media, has not necessarily resulted in more understanding about the epidemic or the virus. Similarly, global technologies for treating HIV in t he form of testing, treatment and viral load testing have had only limited efficacy, as demonstrated by high numbers of people “lost to follow up” (La zuardi 2019). The HIV epidemic in Indonesia is in these and other ways both seen and unseen. Correspondingly, the impact of this paradox is acutely fe lt both by people living with HIV and those people and communities that are most affected by the virus. This panel aims to investigate the breadth of meanings given to HIV in Indonesia, in order to forge new conceptual vocabu laries which can pursue new visions of social justice, empathy and care. \n \nRecent engagement in the United States has shown how a preoccupation with the visibility of HIV as a white, urban and gay male phenomenon obscures t he ongoing impact of the pandemic on gender and sexual minorities (includin g trans women), people of colour, black and indigenous people in the contex t of historical legacies of colonial exploitation (Cheng, Juhasz, and Shaha ni 2020). The understanding of an “undetectable” viral load, now common as a measure in the global end of AIDS, relies on visibility at the microscopi c level, eschewing community forms of care in favour of pharmaceutical solu tions (Persson et al. 2016). Yet although shaped by globalised knowledge, u nderstandings and interpretations of HIV—and their relationship to race, ge nder, sexuality and class—unfold differently in a post-authoritarian contex t where a dominant “regime of visuality,” is one in which ̶ 0;the compulsion to see and be seen is continually brought to crisis by the terror of seeing and being seen” (Steedly 2013, 262). In Indonesia, the HIV epidemic has become visible over the past three or so decades coinc iding with a postauthoritarian context where “murkiness is itself a structu ral feature of politics” (Bubandt 2008, 812). The visibility of HIV in Indo nesia thus emerges out of distinctive histories, including cultures of gend er and sexual visibility and understanding of health and illness (Hegarty 2 018; Thajib 2018; Samuels 2016). The papers on this panel will demonstrate how the experience of HIV specific to Indonesia in its socio-historical con text, but also offers critical theoretical insights for the expansion of HI V care globally. We aspire for the panel to be both interdisciplinary and d iverse, encompassing a wide range of researchers working in different geogr aphical areas in Indonesia, disciplinary training, and institutional affili ation. To this end, we invite papers which address HIV in Indonesia, across fields of medical anthropology, history, cultural studies, and public heal th. URL: DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Paris:20220630T140000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Paris:20220630T153000 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR