Room 0.16

Session 1Laboratory
To heal the colonial wound: Towards decolonial practice of storytelling ❶
Dimas Dwi LaksmanaHuiying NgNadya Karimasari
Session 2Laboratory
To heal the colonial wound: Towards decolonial practice of storytelling ❷
Dimas Dwi LaksmanaHuiying NgNadya Karimasari
Session 5Laboratory
Politics, ethics, and methods of research in post-coup Myanmar ❶
Stéphen Huard
Session 6Laboratory
Politics, ethics, and methods of research in post-coup Myanmar ❷
Stéphen Huard
Session 9The scope of diplomacy in pre-nineteenth century insular Southeast Asia: from treaty making to land bargaining ❶Birgit Tremml-WernerElsa Clavé
Session 10The scope of diplomacy in pre-nineteenth century insular Southeast Asia: from treaty making to land bargaining ❷Birgit Tremml-WernerElsa Clavé
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